1.Everyone have cancer cell in body. This cancer cell not looked in essays standard until them fertile amends becomes to get billions. While are doctor say to that cancer patient no more cell cancer at their body after care, it is meant that essays that done can't detect cancer cell because that cancer cell don't come up to foot up that gets to be predicted.
2. Cell cancer happens among 6 until 10 times at in life man.
3. While is strong human body invulnerability, cancer cells will wreck and prevented from breeding and formating tumor.
4. While someone is get cancer, betokened by that person having nutrisi's invasive medley. It can because of factor genetic, environmentally, food and life style.
5. To tackling multiple diverse trouble nutrisi, changing diet and including suplemen will enforce imun's invulnerability.
6. Chemotherapy involves growing toxic cancer cell presto and also wreck growing healthy cell presto at bone marrow, organ interior and gets to cause organ damage as heart, kidney, heart, lung, etcetera.
7. While radiation is destroys cancer cell, also burns and wrecking healthy cell, network and organ.
8. Early care with Chemoterapy and radiation will often reduce tumor measure. But then purpose Chemoterapy and radiation that continuous not result tumor molder.
9. While is body have a lot of have burning poison effect Chemoterapy and radiation, blighted imun system hence will namby pamby from a variety infection and complication kind.
10. Chemoterapy and radiation can beget cancer cell gets mutation and as gets averse character and difficult be broken up. Dissection also can beget spread cancer cell goes to other part.
11. One trick which effective is make peckish cancer cell by its withholds alimentary one get to cause it amends flourishes.
12. Animal's protein is hard to be digested and needing a lot of enzyme digestion. Flesh that doesn't be digested ala out and out, its rest in bowels becomes deliverance to build poison.
13. Cancer wall pillowed by firm protein. Keep self by eats canned meat slightly free enzyme for buck cancer cell protein wall and lets cell murderer in body destroys cancer cell.
14. Severally suplemen builds imun's invulnerability (IP6, Flor ssence, Essiac, anti oksidan, vitamin, mineral, EFA, etc.) and might kill cell cannikin in body destroys cell cancer. Other Suplemen suplemen as vitamin e acknowledged causes apoptosis, or cell death mathematics, methodic normal body from damaged cell place, abegging or unneeded.
15. Cancer is desease collects thoughts, body and soul. Proactive and positive spirit will make safe. Resentment, don't pass over and bitterness places body into stress's full situation. Study to have spirit loves and passing over. Study easy going and living it up.
16. Cell cancer can't thriving deep environmental get oxygen. Get sport everyday, and gets breath with in helping getting more oxygen a lot of. Oxygen therapy is other trick for destroying cancer cell.
1. Sugar is cancer bait. With reduces sugar, matter also reducing alimentary supply necessary for cancer cell. Sugared substitution as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. made by aspartam and it dangerously. Thes better natural substitution get as honey or molasses but in number that few peer. Table salt have chemical affix to make its color turns white. The better alternative is with oceanic salt.
2. Milk makes mucus's body, particularly at inner organ. Cancer at bait by mucus. With reduce milk and replacing with moke milk bargains cancer cell will go hungry.
3. Thriving cancer cell at environmentally sour. Diet anti flesh are get acid character, the best one is eat fishes out and chicken than beef or ham. Flesh also contain breed antibiotic that improve hormone and parasite that dangerously, particularly divides cancer patient.
4. Diet is with 80% vegetables and fresh fruits, digits and legume helps environmental deep body alkaline. 20%nya can be gotten from ripe food comprises bean. Vegetable freshing to provide easy life enzyme permeated deep 15 minutes to pet and increases healthy cell growth. To getting enzyme livinging to build healthy cell, try juice drink fresh vegetable (all vegetable included kacang2an) and rabbit food eating 2 or 3 times one day. Damaged enzyme on temperature 104 Farenheit's degrees or 40 Celcius's degrees.
5. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate that have high caffeine.Green Tea is best alternative that have cell cancer destroyer. The best one drinks fresh water or water already be screened for avoiding poison and heavy metal in tap water.
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